1.A key problem seems to be that many mass-market vitamins are vastly different from those found naturally in food or plants.
2.The reform of the share-holding system of the state-owned commercial bank is the key problem and a hard war in commercializing the bank.
3.The key problem, though, was that he shouldn't have been appointed in the first place. He was too much of an insider.
4.Along the way you might build key problem-solving and communication skills that you could put to work right away.
5.If the key problem is in lacking the basic resources, "Society" should consider how to help the poor free themselves from a predicament.
6.The key problem in image restoration is to get the point spread function of motion-blurred images and the knowledge about noise.
7.Target recognition is an important component of data fusion technology and also be a key problem in military affairs research field.
8.A key problem is to determine the relationship of the macroscopic viscoelastic properties with the microstructure of the materials.
9.The legal protection for historic blocks is the key problem brought up in the process of protecting famous historic city.
10.To date, effective combinations between conventional breeding and biotechnological approach in maize breeding is still the key problem.